
Description from Etools: Using Perusall in the Classroom1: Perusall is an e-reader platform that allows students and faculty to annotate the assigned readings and engage the reading material in a style akin to social media posting. Students can write full comments, “like” comments, use hashtags, link URLs to their comments and even use emoticons.

These are the new instructions for using Perusall LTI 1.3 in Blackboard, this will make the integration simpler with fewer steps. Please see instructions below.

Adding general Perusall link to your Blackboard course

You can create a general link so that you and your students can access Perusall directly from Blackboard. This is now easier than before.

  1. Go to a course content area within your Blackboard course.
  2. Click on Tools.
  3. Click on More Tools to expand the selection.
  4. Select Perusall from this menu.
  5. You can change the name of the link if you prefer and hit submit.
Showing order of steps to click on to select tool.
1 Tools 2 More Tools 3 Perusall

Adding direct assignment links to your Blackboard course.

Once you have used Perusall and created assignments in their system you will be able to create direct links to this content. Please make sure at least one assignment exists before trying this or else you will see a blank page.

  1. Go to a course content area within your Blackboard course.
  2. Click on Build Content.
  3. Select Perusall.
  4. This will open the Perusall site where you can select an existing assignment to directly link.
  5. Select the desired assignment.
Showing order of steps to click on to select tool.
1 Build Content 2 Perusall

Other helpful guides

Here are other helpful guides from Perusall which will be helpful when creating content on their platform.

1Wells, C. (n.d.). Etools: Using Perusall in the Classroom. National Communication Association. https://www.natcom.org/sites/default/files/pages/eTools_Perusall_November%202018.pdf.