Information Technology Services (ITS) automatically disables student access to completed Blackboard courses approximately eight weeks after the last day of classes.

  • Student access to Spring semester courses is disabled on July 1.
  • Student access to Summer semester courses is disabled on October 1.
  • Student access to Fall semester courses ends on February 1.

Once student access to a previous semester’s Blackboard course has been disabled, the only person who can access that course or make its contents available to students again is the course’s instructor.

To access course materials or grades from a previous semester’s Blackboard course, please contact the course’s instructor and request that they either:

  1. Email you a copy of the content you wish to access, or
  2. Manually make his or her old Blackboard course available to the students again.

The quickest way to locate an instructor’s email address or telephone number is to use USC’s Faculty, Staff, and Affiliate Directory.

If you are unable to reach the instructor, please contact that instructor’s department chair or curricular dean (see