You access the Grade Center from the Control Panel. Expand the Grade Center section to display the links to the Needs Grading page, the Full Grade Center, and the Smart Views.

Students ONLY see their grades. Students are NEVER given access to or can see one another’s grades.

The course Grade Center is where to enter grades and/or grade submitted work. Changes made in the Grade Center are “instantly” available to students. (NOTE: Students can never access or see a classmates grades).

Grading in the Blackboard Grade Center

Common Grading Task (e.g., assign grades, override grades, etc.)

Creating Grade Center Columns
Just like in an Excel spreadsheet it is possible to manually create columns in the Blackboard Grade Center.

Changing The Default Letter Grading Schema
Each new course has a default letter grading schema which you can change.

Problem: Scroll Bar Missing from the Grade Center
Missing Grade Center scroll bars?  Click to learn how to fix this issue.