The start using videos in a Blackboard course begin by adding a “web link” in a content area of your Blackboard course:

  1. Login to Blackboard, then
  2. Go to a course
  3. Check that “Edit Mode is: ON”
  4. Click any “Content Area” link in your menu
  5. Select “Web Link”, see below

  1. Enter a “Name”, this is the link the students will click, next
  2. Enter this URL <>
    1. IMPORTANT: This URL never changes, EVER!
  3. Check “This link is a Tool Provider”, then
  4. Click Submit, unless you want to enable grading, in which case do the following:
    1. Set “Enable Evaluation” to YES, then
    2. Enter the “Points Possible”, finally
  5. Remember to click “Submit” to save your work.

The above steps will repeat every time you want to use videos in a course. Next, you need to create the playlist in, click here to learn how.