Only users with valid, current USC user names and passwords and who can access Blackboard can participate in Blackboard organizations.

Unlike a Blackboard course there is no University SIS roster for Blackboard organizations. Because of this, the organization leader will be responsible for manually enrolling and unenrolling Blackboard organization participants.

Please note that Blackboard automatically prevents you from accidentally enrolling a user into the same organization twice. To see a list of users already enrolled in your organization:

  1. On your organization’s Control Panel, under Users and Groups, click Users.
  2. Choose “Not Blank”. [This tells Blackboard to display all users.]
  3. Click Go.

To manually add users to your Blackboard organization roster:

  1. Click Users & Groups in the lower left corner of the organization’s Organization Management area.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Find Users to Enroll (Note: This step confuses some.  Do NOT click or use the search box.  Instead, click the Find Users to Enroll button in the upper left corner of the page.)
  4. Choose the user you wish you manually enroll.
    • If you know the user’s Blackboard username, manually type it into the Username box.  Do NOT click the browse button.  Instead, once you have keyed in the user’s username, proceed directly to step 5.
    • If you do not know the user’s Blackboard usernameleave the Username box empty and click the Browse button and then search for the user.
      Tip: If the user has a common last name, search for the user’s official email address instead (you can find most campus email addresses in USC’s online faculty and directory at or student directory at Once you have located the user in Blackboard, select the user and then in the bottom right corner of the pop-up window, click Submit.
  5. Leave the Role pull-down list set to Participant.
  6. Leave Enrollment Availability set to Yes.
  7. Click Submit.

Repeat steps 3 through 7 for each additional user you wish to add.