Making a Course Available to Students
If the course is unavailable, only Instructors, Course Builders, Teaching Assistants, and Graders, can access the course, but the course is marked as Not Available.

Blackboard Course Archiving
To have a previously archived course, please click the above link and request that that course be put back on Blackboard.

Troubleshooting Common Problems
Not all browsers work the same. Learn how to deal with these differences.

Managing Your Roster
Learn how to view your course’s roster as well as how to combine course rosters..

Tracking Student Activity
You can track student activity, such as attendance, in your courses. Blackboard Learn has different tools to track student logins, the time students have spent in the course, and what pages in the course they are accessing.

Customizing Your Course
Learn how to modify the appearance of your courses.

Customizing Your Blackboard Settings
Learn how to update your personal information within Blackboard as well as how to setup or modify the notifications for your courses.

Performance Dashboard
The Performance Dashboard tool provides a window into all types of user activity in a course or organization. All users enrolled in the course are listed, with pertinent information about that user’s progress and activity in the course.

Sending Notifications
Learn how to notify students about course activity.

Running and Saving a Course Report
Course Reports provides different ways to view information about student activity, content usage, course standards, and course objectives.

Enterprise Learning Technology provides technical support and consultation for Blackboard, Web Conferencing, Lecture Capture, Clickers, and other academic technologies.